Hey! I'm Beatrice Sampson.
The No-Nonsense Coach To
strong women.

I Help Empower Women To Embrace Their Inherent Worth

And Cultivate Fulfilling Relationship

get my 100% free self-love
journey guide!

Self-Love is important to having a successful life. 

It is so important to your joy that I put together this free guide 

so you experience more of it in your life.

Prior to seeing coach Bea I was struggling with my self-worth. I was having trouble identifying with certain emotions and maintaining a healthy mindset. Now I feel empowered, I value myself, my time, and my words. I now know that I'm ok, and that I am safe. I've identified  where my negative thoughts or energy comes from and changed my outlook/atmosphere with something positive and encouraging. My main concern was to become a better me; the best me I could possible be. I'm able to face my fears because I now understand that everything I need or want I already have within myself. I'm learning more each day how to pull them out. I would recommend anyone willing to listen to have a life coach! Especially mine! Again, coach Bea I want to thank you for helping to save my life by investing time and knowledge in/with me. You have helped guide and protect my thoughts, ATTITUDE, and words, I appreciate EVERY, text, call, and email. 

Desiree Collins

Savannah, Ga.

I had a wonderful experience with Beatrice. She introduced an experience to me that seemed like a piece of cake but ended up challenging me. A challenge can sometimes be overwhelming, but Beatrice's coaching sessions illuminated things inside that made me realize I'm in control of my life. Beatrice made me feel completely safe and I was able to open up and not be so  guarded, she gave me permission to show up for myself like never before and she believed for me until I could believe for myself, she didn't budge. She didn't let me get away with anything and I love that she held me accountable to what I wanted. I'm now working on improving my communication and learning to ask for what I need in my relationships. Beatrice has been a gift in my life, and I have found so much confidence, inspiration, and comfort from her work. Thank you for helping me through though time.


Savannah Ga.

Hi there!

My name is beatrice Sampson

As a Speaker, Certified Self-Love and Mindset Coach, I help women just like you become the love they are seeking and live their lives without putting it on hold for others, so they make powerful decisions for their future with confidence, boldness, and clarity. You can have your hearts desire simply because you deserve it!

In the 3 years, I've been helping women, like yourself learn how to overcome their personal blocks and attract the life they desire, the #1 question I get asked the most is...

why don't i have the life i desire?

Why do I find myself in the same types of relationships

waiting on someone to make me happy...

Why do I settle, talk negative about myself,

fear being alone, put myself last...

You may be asking this too!

Well! I know for sure that IT'S NOT BECAUSE you're



you're not good enough, smart enough,

pretty enough...


you haven't given your best or struggled enough...



you don't deserve everything you desire!!!

It's simply that you haven't learned how

to get what you want yet!

I know you're ready to begin your new life.

And you're SO ready to be that strong, 

happy, more than enough woman who

knows who she is and gets what

she wants and loves the skin

she lives in.



my proven program

My Program is for you if you
would like help with:

Self-Love, Overcoming stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm
Becoming a self soother
Creating a mindset shift for a more positive you
Boosting self-confidence, boldness, & clarity
Breaking free from a toxic relationship
Creating an actionable plan to reach your goals

My Program is NOT for you if:

You're not ready for change and willing to step outside your comfort zone
You're NOT ready to do the work to reach your goals
You're not ready to INVEST time and money
You want to be told what to do instead of achieving your own revelations 
You're not ready to create a mindset shift
You're not ready to be self-reliant
You're not ready to break free and be you

The things I love to teach

Accepting every aspect of yourself
Setting healthy boundaries
Looking within for the love you desire
Setting goals
Overcoming any negative or limiting beliefs
Shift your perspective
Identify your strength and weaknesses
Take steps towards achieving your goals
Improving self-worth
Letting go of the feeling of not being enough

Investing in a coach takes courage, you have to trust in yourself and put in the work to MAKE that change. You are not broken so I am not here to fix you and if you choose me for your coach I'm not here to push you or drag you along. I KNOW that everything you need is already within you and you have the power to make that change. I'm here to guide you, support you, and to hold you accountable to what you want for your life. I will be with you every step of the way providing a loving, safe, and non-judgmental space for you to grow...But you must be ready and willing to see yourself through the process...step by step.

Beatrice's Certified Achievements

Love what you see?

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My "10 step road to success" free guide

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